Campbell Brown

Campbell Brown


United States


QUOTES BY Campbell Brown

You're not going to see me ever be partisan. I'll never take a position on a candidate or an issue.

When you have Candidate A saying the sky is blue, and Candidate B saying it's a cloudy day, I look outside and I see, well, it's a cloudy day. I should be able to tell my viewers, 'Candidate A is wrong, Candidate B is right,' and not have to say, 'Well, you decide.' Then it would be like I'm an idiot.

I'm a mom, and my view of public education begins and ends with the fundamental question: Is this good for children?

In a situation where it's the child or the adult, I'm going with the child.

There's no reason why anyone's job should become untouchable for the rest of their life.

I'm interested in full disclosure for people who give money to politicians. But I'm not a politician. I'm an advocate.

I've covered the White House and been yelled at by presidents.

My mom was very much the product of a very paternalistic, deep-southern culture, but also a repressed feminist. Her way of being defiant was to raise us to be rebellious ourselves - basically, the opposite of who she had to be in her own life.

My second-grade teacher went around the class and asked everybody what they were going to be when they grew up. I said, 'I want to travel the world,' and he said, 'You'll be married and pregnant by 21, just like all the girls in this room.'