Carl Froch

Carl Froch


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Carl Froch

The Earth is flat, 100 per cent.

There's no proof of the Earth's curvature and this fake space agency Nasa use CGI images and every one is different.

When someone like Richard Branson goes up there and starts doing chartered flights... and you can look back on Earth and see the Earth's curvature, I'll believe the Earth is a globe.

Your fitness is your ability to recover and you can't recover when you're old.

It might sound strange now from where I'm standing as a world boxing champion, but I harboured serious thoughts, at the age of nine, of putting my whole life into snooker. I remember being fascinated by the game, watching the likes of Steve Davis, and thought I would do it.

I watched Sly Stallone and the 'Rocky' movies over and over again. They were fantastic.

I always wanted my job to be something I that loved doing.

I was 5ft 3in tall until I was 17. Then I suddenly shot up.

I haven't had the recognition I deserve. You can go back to anybody's career - Ricky Hatton, Joe Calzaghe, David Haye, Amir Khan, Chris Eubank, Nigel Benn, Steve Collins, Naseem Hamed. My record is better than all of theirs. I've won against more unbeaten fighters than any of them, had more exciting fights.