Carlene Carter

Carlene Carter


United States


QUOTES BY Carlene Carter

My Smiths, my Carters, the Cashes - everybody embraced me and held my arms up when I couldn't do it myself.

I'm kind of a perfectionist about my songwriting. If I don't mean it, I don't think it's any good.

I've had a few ditty hits.

I moved back to Tennessee in '86 or '87. That's when I worked with the Carter Family because I really wanted to understand my roots.

Lots of girls marry at 16 in Tennessee.

There was a period where I was a little scared that I'd blown my chance.

I've matured as a writer and human being. I've got some wisdom under my belt.

I do feel I'm responsible to carrying on the music. That's what I was charged with as a kid. When I was a little girl, I was told, 'When we are gone' - when you're a kid, you never think they'll ever be gone - 'you have to keep the music alive, the Carter Family songs, and add your own songs.'

I'm really about my family and really proud of being a Carter.