


United States


QUOTES BY Carmella

To me, it was so exciting that after just a short time of being on my own in NXT, I proved that I could do this on my own, and I got drafted to 'SmackDown Live.'

Everything I do is over the top. When I do something, I want everyone to be talking about it.

When I was in NXT, I never wrestled on a TakeOver. I didn't have too many high-profile matches: I probably wrestled about 10 matches in total on NXT TV, including the one championship match against Bayley, which was so much fun and my favorite match in NXT.

To get up to 'SmackDown Live' and have my first match on live TV, I was so nervous.

A lot of the fans don't necessarily get to see what I can do, because they've seen me as the hype girl for Cass & Enzo.

I want to be NXT Women's Champion.

It's really exciting to be a part of the Women's Division here in NXT.

Asuka is a force to be reckoned with. She made a statement from the moment she debuted in NXT.

Never think you're too good for a role, and never take yourself too seriously.