Carol Kane

Carol Kane


United States


QUOTES BY Carol Kane

While filming 'Annie Hall,' I never really hung out with Woody Allen.

I took parts that either I was offered or felt I could do a good job with.

The thing about the four-camera shows is that it's kind of a great combo of theater and film. You have an audience, but you have a camera to capture things, so that's a great thing, too.

I'm one of those people that if I go to a party, I can't remember my mother's name because I'm so nervous in a social situation.

All of our ancestors came from somewhere.

A goal of mine is to try and be as real as possible. To try and not comment on the work I'm doing but just do it.

It's very hard to remain a student in life.

My face is my career.

I always wanted to be a good actress and a serious actress. I wasn't in the profession to, quote-unquote, meet the stars.