Caroline Lucas

Caroline Lucas


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Caroline Lucas

We have lived with deadly levels of air pollution for years, which have made us more vulnerable to coronavirus.

I accept that as an elected politician I have a number of other tools that I can use to bring about change but I would also say that the Green party remains committed to appropriate non-violent direct action and I think it is a tool in some cases that is legitimate.

Britain was once notorious as the 'dirty man of Europe' with polluted air, raw sewage pumped into the sea and protected sites being lost at a terrifying rate. E.U. laws and the threat of fines changed much of that.

With the huge benefits of investing in renewables, energy efficiency and demand reduction becoming ever more obvious, it's clear that there needs to be far greater scrutiny of the policy decisions that are propelling Britain towards a nuclear future.

Unquestionably, major transformation of the way the U.K. generates its heat and power is essential.

The creation of regional mayors has done little to reduce the sense that all power is concentrated in Westminster, and all investment in London.

I am a longstanding critic of British foreign policy - and an opponent of the authoritarian, quasi-imperialist, racist, homophobic politics of Putin.

I don't think anybody voted for the Green Party without knowing what our position was on Brexit.

Britain is a parliamentary democracy. Power rests in Parliament, in the House of Commons, and the government - the executive - has to seek the consent of MPs for its legislation.