Chad Gilbert

Chad Gilbert


United States


QUOTES BY Chad Gilbert

I love pumpkin pie.

We obviously need to make money to survive, but we aren't going to sacrifice our creative integrity to do anything that doesn't feel like us.

To someone who's more of a surface fan, their favorite songs are the singles. But, we're the kind of band where a lot of the songs that aren't the singles are crazier live.

All you truly need to worry about is waking up each day and to try to be the best version of yourself.

I think a lot of bands would just make a dark, bleak album, which is why we wanted to do the opposite. We wanted to let people know that there's hope out there, and that no matter how tough things get, they will always get better. I'm really proud of that.

I did play flag football. I actually got my lip busted. My team was really good; we won first place in the season, and won the Super Bowl. I was one of the defense guys. I was really good.

We're hoping that fans who have listened for a while, or only know the singles will be like, 'Damn, man, I didn't realize track 9 on 'Catalyst,' I didn't realize how awesome that song is.'

We did two nights at a place in Southern California that only holds about 500 people. It was really intimate... Everyone was in lingerie... OK, every time someone says a show was intimate, my head always goes there.

We'd practice in my living room and it was awesome. Our parents were pretty supportive of it because they thought it was cute. I don't think they ever realized how far we would go with it.