Chad Hurley

Chad Hurley


United States


QUOTES BY Chad Hurley

Advertisers now have a highly targeted opportunity for aligning their brands alongside the entertainment experience people are enjoying on YouTube.

Video is universal and allows people around the world to communicate and exchange ideas.

To some extent, being an entrepreneur is a lonely journey.

People think about the world of TV and the world of online video as being different ways to distribute video. But what happens when every TV is connected to wi-fi with a browser?

The iPhone will maybe become more of a video-conferencing experience - you pick up your phone, you answer it, you'll be talking to someone looking at their face.

There's something very satisfying about creating a tactile product.

People just don't sit down and just watch TV at night. Between cellphones, television, video games, the Internet and instant messaging, people are just spending their time in different places.

I think Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are the cornerstones of any social media strategy.

I look at building business as a creative process that I enjoy.