Charles Kennedy

Charles Kennedy


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Charles Kennedy

Music and politics are in essence about communication. Without over-stretching the analogy I do feel a sense of rhythm is important in getting your message across.

Quality of life actually begins at home - it's in your street, around your community.

My health is good and it's up to me to keep it that way.

Valuing public servants would boost morale among those on the front line of implementing government policy.

The one thing we can all be sure about in politics is you are as well to expect the unexpected.

Good political leadership for me involves getting the big decisions right - however difficult, however controversial, however potentially divisive - and then being able to take people with you.

The government's instinct is to shroud itself in secrecy - to act like the office of a president instead of as a collective cabinet government held to account by the elected House of Commons.

Immigrants provide skills that we simply cannot afford to do without. They have contributed hugely to Britain's success.

I don't actually subscribe to the view that all power corrupts. But absolute power - when secured on the back of massive parliamentary majorities, which don't reflect the balance of political opinion in the country - can corrupt absolutely.