Charles Oakley

Charles Oakley


United States

Basketball Player

QUOTES BY Charles Oakley

You can't throw a hook on the side of the road and expect to catch a fish in the grass.

Potential is like a summer crop. If it don't rain, it don't grow.

Don't say, 'I don't want to do this, because, whatever.' Don't give up on something. You got to work hard.

In the old days Michael Jordan and Larry Bird worked for everything they got. They worked hard on their game.

There's been a thing with Detroit and the Bulls ever since I've been in the league.

If you have a horse that isn't winning any races, sooner or later you have to get a new jockey.

People say, 'You're old.' Old ain't nothing. You've got new cars that break down and old cars that pass them.

A gentleman pays his debt within a week or two.

I'm cool with whatever. I'll just keep eating my bread, sipping my soup and serving my time. But the chicken is going to lay some more eggs one day.