Charlotte Caffey

Charlotte Caffey


United States


QUOTES BY Charlotte Caffey

We were anything but 'America's sweethearts.' On the inside we were total sassy rebels.

We had so many obstacles. We had a lot of sexism and misogyny, there's a lot of things that were against us. But we've just pushed forward and we showed everybody.

When we first started out, we made a vow to ourselves we wouldn't do it anymore if it wasn't fun. Well, we keep getting back together, so it must still be fun for everyone in it.

I was fortunate enough to be living in Hollywood, CA, when the underground punk rock music scene started. It was a small group of artists, misfits and weirdos, where everyone was welcomed and encouraged to express themselves.

In April of 1978 I was asked to join an all-girl band that was just taking shape, The Go-Go's. It was one of those moments in my life - and there were many - when I just blurted out 'Yes!'

I had written or cowritten eight of the ten songs on 'Beauty and the Beat,' and I had written our biggest hit, 'We Got the Beat.' How was I going to top all of that?

Legendary photographer Annie Leibowitz persuaded us to pose in our underwear. When the magazine hit the stands we were horrified to see the caption 'Go-Go's Put Out.' Regardless, I was extremely excited to see us at every newsstand on every corner, our faces on the cover of 'Rolling Stone!'

Oh, everything we did was completely organic - from the way we looked to the way we sounded, the way we played - everything.

Look; being in this band, of course it would be great, yeah. But, I mean, I don't live and breathe every minute of every day thinking like, 'Oh, my God. We have to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.'

VIEW MORE QUOTES BY Charlotte Caffey