Charlotte Flair

Charlotte Flair


United States


QUOTES BY Charlotte Flair

Driving from town to town, living in hotels, sometimes not going home during the week because you have an appearance - you really have to be dedicated to do this job.

The reason I don't do the Flair Flop anymore is because women's wrestling is being taken so seriously. I'll only perform something comedic like that at a house show.

Everyone always says, 'You must have always wanted to be just like your dad.' But my dad's career had nothing to do with my journey.

No one ever has a chance to get to know the real me because I do play a bad guy, and sometimes it's hard to soak in the comments or the negativity because that's the response you want to elicit. I am a normal person, but that's part of the job. I'm playing a character, and that's my role.

For so long, I was ashamed of my past, and I think that crippled me a lot in having confidence.

Me and my little brother never grew up wanting to be famous.

I want to be the first female to main-event WrestleMania, and I just want to continue to get better and better and continue my dad's legacy.

The biggest moment in our business is when you walk through that curtain, and if you don't believe in yourself, the fans won't believe in you or invest in you, and they see that.

I didn't even think about good guy, bad guy when I started. I was that unfamiliar with the business.