Chloe Madeley

Chloe Madeley


United Kingdom

Television Presenter

QUOTES BY Chloe Madeley

Obviously, I don't mind if James looks at women. He's a man, women are hot.

I'm more than happy to make a living out of my appearance in terms of my body. But I would never go out there and start promoting a personal decision I made, and getting paid for it.

James is a domineering alpha male which is why I'm so attracted to him and why I sometimes hate him. And I'm a mouthy broad who has to be in control all the time. We must have broken up in excess of a thousand times.

If you are healthy as a yogi all day every day, then a cheeseburger with your kids is not going to undo anything.

I hate being human.

I always ignore the disgusting troll tweets I get because I honestly do not want to give them any attention.

If I have a big shoot and I'm gunning to get into shape I'll really be careful and consistent with my food but when I have a period off, I'll be more relaxed and balanced in my life.

The problem with being human is that there's far too much responsibility, too much pressure and too many expectations placed on you to achieve.

I love training, but it's really hard to get amazing aesthetic results. And the more you diet, the more your metabolism adapts and lowers and it gets harder.