Chris Eubank Jr.

Chris Eubank Jr.


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Chris Eubank Jr.

People who don't understand fighting think you need to hate somebody to beat them. But I keep hate and anger out of boxing, because it causes mistakes.

I got cut against Groves, and I couldn't see out of my eye most of the fight but it didn't hurt. Groves probably weighed 13 1/2 stone whereas I weighed 12. But he never buzzed me. It was just that cut, which looked so bad, with blood everywhere.

I'm human. When you lose, of course you're going to be upset. It's a horrible feeling.

Some fighters lose and their spirits are forever broken. A champion comes back stronger. If you're constantly dwelling on the past, 'I could have done that, I should have done this,' it doesn't help. You have to look at the situation intellectually and learn from it.

This is boxing. As fighters we know the risks, we know we are risking our health everytime you step into the ring, but it's a risk we are willing to take because we know with those risks come great reward.

There is a lot of pressure because of what my father achieved and everyone is expecting so much, but that gives me that extra drive in the gym every day to graft hard.

I want to be able to prove I can become the same or better than my father.

People ask me 'Are you copying your dad?' It is in my blood. I have got royal blood coursing through my veins. I can't help myself doing what my father did.

I am an entertainer.