Chris Grayling

Chris Grayling


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Chris Grayling

We are a humane society, and one which believes that we have to help rehabilitate offenders so they turn away from crime.

Good health and safety really matters - we need to protect people against death and serious injury in the workplace.

If we have unlimited migration in perpetuity, the pressure that will put on the lives of those in and around London and the South-East, in terms of housing and pressure on public services, will be something that all of us come to understand, in my view, is simply not copable with.

We need to be self-confident, ambitious, and relentlessly internationalist in our outlook.

Judicial review has developed since the 1970s as a way for individuals to challenge decisions taken by the State.

Britain has always been a good citizen in the world. We rightly provide a safe haven for people fleeing political persecution by brutal regimes. Our legal system is often seen as a beacon for the rest of the world, with people coming from all over to study it and embed its principles into their own systems.

The arrival of DNA testing has brought new dimensions to the investigation of crime. It has brought resolution to old cases where past investigators were unable to uncover the truth. It has brought justice in new cases where once the truth might never have been known.

It was in that uncertain world that the European Convention on Human Rights was shaped. Written by Conservatives, it set out the principles which should lie behind a modern democratic state, where human rights were respected.

It is already tough to buy a house. But if we are bringing a population the size of Newcastle upon Tyne into the country every single year, if we cannot set limits on the number of people that come and work in Britain, then simple maths says it is going to be even more difficult to get on to the housing ladder.