Chris Mullin

Chris Mullin


United States

Basketball Player

QUOTES BY Chris Mullin

In the recovery world, it's a higher power that helps you. You have to turn your life over to something greater. Anytime I tried to control my life, I had screwed it up.

Forget about what happened in the past. The past is the past. Who cares? Time heals things.

If you're going to preach dedication, work ethic, teamwork, unselfishness, and being part of a team to accomplish a common goal, you have to live it - you can't just talk about it.

I'd like to teach my players how to play and not just run plays.

The people I've been around who've been successful - be it players, executives, coaches - there's no substitute for a hard day's work.

When you're a general manager, you don't get to see every single player, so you have to rely on your scouts.

You practice, you prepare, just go out, and let it flow. Just go play ball. You have to go out there and play loose and play free.

Spreading the wealth and giving other assistant coaches their due is critical.

Life is not perfect.