Chris Murphy

Chris Murphy


United States


QUOTES BY Chris Murphy

American values come by helping countries fight corruption to build stability. American values flow through tackling climate change and building energy independence. American values come through humanitarian assistance whereby we try to stop catastrophes from happening.

It can be frustrating that, despite widespread support for common sense gun safety measures, Congress is moving at a snail's pace. But remember that great change takes time.

The more we remove the need for individual members of Congress to raise private election funds, the more our representatives can focus on the things they were elected to do, and the more time they will have to cross party lines and erase the divisions that pollute our national dialogue.

As I'm learning, Republicans seem to only care about deficits when a Democrat is in the White House.

The most powerful force when changing people's hearts and minds is a person-to-person conversation.

Anytime somebody loses a presidential election, there are lots of explanations.

We have a long, proud history of making things here in Connecticut. We're home to large companies like Electric Boat, Pratt & Whitney, and Sikorsky, as well as their thousands of suppliers.

There's no denying that if I were designing a health care system from scratch, I'd build a Medicare for All system.

Rarely do political contributions lead to direct quid pro quo transactions - donations for votes - and those that cross this line normally get caught.