Chris Smalling

Chris Smalling


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Chris Smalling

I like Thai food, Jamaican stews with yam, pumpkin and sweet potato.

I was playing regularly for United up to when I left.

A lot of successful teams are based on having two or three solid partners that rarely change.

Ultimately it's the simple things that make a difference.

When you've got the experienced players around you who've won countless trophies and titles between them, you want to rise to them.

You can't have two or three games where you let your level drop.

Even before I went vegan, in terms of cutting out red meat, my tendinitis and recovery after games was vastly improved.

My mum and brother are so proud of me.

You're never going to be bulletproof, but if you're feeding yourself good food and making sure you're eating the right supplements, I think you reduce the chances of getting any niggling injuries.