Chris Squire

Chris Squire


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Chris Squire

'Onward' was a song I wrote in Montreux, in Switzerland, when we were there camping out for the whole winter. In the summer, Montreux is a really, really big summertime-touristy, full-of-life kind of place. In the winter, it closes down.

Steve Howe met Paul Simon and said that Paul was very approving of our version of 'America.'

I think what the story of Yes has been is we've wandered in and out of different styles over the years.

I hope, after I'm gone, there will still be a Yes.

With how huge Yes was, especially in the '70s and '80s, as a touring band and actually playing at the JFK Stadium in Philadelphia to 130,000 people, which is the biggest-paying show ever in rock history, you would think we'd done enough for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

The Beatles had a six-year career, from 1963 to 1969, which - to me, in my early 20s - seemed like a phenomenally long time.

You can't ever really replace Jon Anderson because he's been such a force in the music business.

Most popular records are action-packed to the last semi-quaver.

'Close To The Edge,' we actually had played it from beginning to end before we recorded it in the studio. So we knew how long it was, and we knew it would fit on the album fine, so we didn't do any editing.