Chris Thile

Chris Thile


United States


QUOTES BY Chris Thile

People who are happy with their neighborhoods in New York always say the same thing: 'It's such a neighborhood!' And that's how we feel about Carroll Gardens. We see all the same people who have been there a long time and are very friendly and welcoming to us.

Calvin is a constant reminder that I'm not always as present as I want to be. His go-to state of being is present. So I'm really grateful of that part of being his parent.

A cocktail and an oyster is an awfully good thing after a park, especially one close to water.

The more you look at great art of any kind, you'll see that there's this thread running through all of it.

My musical output has been consistently acoustic, but my taste has not. I love everything. As long as it's good, I'm in.

If you're sitting there going, 'Well, these particular genres are the only genres I like,' that's like saying, 'I only like books with this particular kind of cover.' Because that's all genre is. It's a discussion of texture.

In my mind, there's this one 'super genre,' which is the only genre that matters, and that's the super genre of good music.

The radio - this old piece of technology that's still crackingly current - gives you this communal experience in real time.

I love putting on shows. I absolutely adore it - that's why I've been doing it now for so long.