Christian Horner

Christian Horner


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Christian Horner

Sixty points is massive, especially when you are racing a Mercedes with another 70 horsepower.

Our target is to compete with Ferrari and Mercedes.

F1's ability to problem-solve is second to none and our ability to make rapid prototype parts is again second to none.

The costs in F1 are extremely high, it is down to the regulators to control those costs through having stable regulations, every time you change the rules, there is a huge cost involved.

Mercedes and Ferrari fear Red Bull more than any other team because they know the potency and capability that we have.

I think F1, ultimately, is man and machine at its absolute limit. It is modern day chariot racing.

It's the fear of failure that drives all of us at Red Bull.

I am great believer that, if you put your mind to anything, you can achieve anything.

You've got different governments and manufacturers saying, 'Oh, we'll be electric and autonomous by 2030 or whatever.' In my view Formula One is at a crossroads. What is its purpose? We have Formula E, and a lot of manufacturers are morphing into that area. But the emotion, the entertainment, the excitement of those cars just isn't there.

VIEW MORE QUOTES BY Christian Horner