Christian Pulisic

Christian Pulisic


United States


QUOTES BY Christian Pulisic

I can jump high; I can dunk - nobody really believes that I can.

I just try to do the best I can for myself and the people around me.

Sometimes you have to take a risk if you want great things to happen.

It really does frustrate me when I watch MLS, and I see our best U-17 players - who, again, are so talented and so capable - being rostered... but then not being put on the field much to actually play. I watch that, and I just think about how I was given a chance... a real chance... and it changed my life.

I set my own personal goals; I'm not playing to satisfy fans.

The Premier League is an unbelievable league.

I played one year of competitive basketball, actually. I don't remember what grade I was in, maybe middle school or something. I was the point guard - I was the smallest one always. I did my best; I thought I did pretty good. I was always a little bit better at soccer, so I had to make the decision.

I think it's good to have competition.

My dad taught me, like, no matter what, when I go out and play against these bigger players, just to be myself. I knew that I was good enough and that I had the ability to. I never shy away from anyone, and I don't think anyone should.

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