Christie Brinkley

Christie Brinkley


United States


QUOTES BY Christie Brinkley

My mom was always my biggest teacher, my inspiration, my role model. My mom was just the most amazing person. She was like a bon vivant in that she just lived each day to the fullest. As soon as I became a vegetarian, she became a vegetarian.

Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship and peace.

I've always believed in a rainbow diet. As many colors and foods as you can eat, the better, because if you focus on one food, there's bound to be a report that comes out that says, 'Broccoli actually... ' So I mix it up a lot. And I take vitamins, like Biosil, which I take for my hair, skin, and nails.

Adopting a really positive attitude can work wonders to adding years to your life, a spring to your step, a sparkle to your eye, and all of that.

I believe in true love, and I believe in happy endings. And I believe.

No matter what your age is, you only have now. So it's always about living in the moment and being in the moment... I refuse to let those numbers define me, and I just try to face each day positively.

I'd rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.

Life is too short to not have oysters and champagne sometimes.

The more you give, the more you get - it's a cliche, but it's really true.

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