Christina Anstead

Christina Anstead


United States

Television Presenter

QUOTES BY Christina Anstead

Since 'Flip or Flop' aired in 2013, people really weren't asking me, like, 'Hey, what paint color is that?' or, 'Where'd you get that cabinet?' It was more, 'How do you stay healthy? How do you balance work life with the kids? What are you eating during the day?'

I think most people see me as a glamorous type of person, and at the end of the day, I'm more just a low-key mom.

The day Tarek and I officially started dating, which was October 9, 2006, we moved in together.

I'm very spiritual, and I believe in things happening for a reason.

I'm like that with everyone now. If something is on my mind, you're gonna know.

Tarek and I have a common goal to create beautiful houses for families. We work hard but our priority is spending quality time with our wonderful kids and raising them to appreciate the love of family.

Honestly, Tarek and I met through work, so we worked together before we even started dating - it's our normal.

Tarek and I are friends.

I don't eat fast food, I don't eat fried food, and I eat tons of fruits and vegetables.

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