Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens


United States


QUOTES BY Christopher Hitchens

I learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness.

A gentleman is never rude except on purpose - I can honestly be nasty sober, believe you me.

Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are God. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are God.

To the dumb question, 'Why me?' the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, 'Why not?'

In one way, I suppose, I have been 'in denial' for some time, knowingly burning the candle at both ends and finding that it often gives a lovely light.

Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint.

There are all kinds of stupid people that annoy me but what annoys me most is a lazy argument.

Even if I accepted that Jesus - like almost every other prophet on record - was born of a virgin, I cannot think that this proves the divinity of his father or the truth of his teachings. The same would be true if I accepted that he had been resurrected.

Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy.

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