Chuka Umunna

Chuka Umunna


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Chuka Umunna

Ignoring prostate cancer won't beat it.

Look, politics can be tough.

Screaming 'you're wrong' at the electorate is not a good strategy for a party seeking to win back its trust.

To be concerned about immigration and the economy is not racist, but I do think there is a virus of racism that runs through Ukip.

I spent many hours slaving away, day and night, bleary eyed, on multi-million pound takeovers, mergers and acquisitions, and the rest. It could sound glamorous (especially when it involved overseas travel) but often it wasn't partly because, as a lawyer, you were not the one calling the shots.

Ukip has policies including cutting taxes for the wealthy and putting them up for everyone else, charging people to see their GP, or taking away maternity rights.

Getting from A to B can be crucial for small-business owners, self-employed people and freelancers too, who often rely on trains and buses to get around, conduct business and meet clients.

In an age of globalisation, investment and good jobs increasingly flow to cities and regions with distinctive strengths and specialisms. These cannot be built up from Whitehall. They require local expertise, knowledge and dedication.

Leaving Labour was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do and it was not a cause of jubilation or happiness. I did it with great sadness, but you have to put the country first.