Cindy Hyde- Smith

Cindy Hyde- Smith


United States


QUOTES BY Cindy Hyde- Smith

It is a great honor to serve Mississippi as its first female United States Senator.

I'm excited to work with my colleagues to advance President Trump's policies and advance the needs of our state and the nation.

I have great respect for Senator Cochran and the years of service he gave to Mississippi and the nation. I'll do my best to measure up to the standard he set as public servant - and as a pianist.

I've assembled a team with a broad variety of experiences to lead my Senate office.

My staff in Washington and in the state will be dedicated to constituent services and the best representation for our state.

I will promote a positive agenda focused on issues important to Mississippians.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is a strong start to help Mississippi families keep more of their hard-earned money and to help small businesses create jobs.

Hazardous weather poses unique challenges for rural communities like many throughout our state.

I believe Judge Kavanaugh is a well-qualified conservative jurist, and I commend President Trump for his commitment to naming Supreme Court justices who are committed to the rule of law.