Cobie Smulders

Cobie Smulders




QUOTES BY Cobie Smulders

There are two kinds of people in crisis situations - those who fight and those who freeze. I'm a freezer, and that's just going by the couple of surprise birthday parties I've had thrown for me.

A stay-at-home mom is a working mom. Being a stay-at-home mom is a job.

For some reason, when I think feminism, I think, like, 'Well, you can't include men if you're talking about feminism and being a feminist,' so I get a little bit muddled. I find it to be a bit grey. Then if you say you are not a feminist, that means that you're not pro-woman!

My usual day: a green smoothie for breakfast - if I want to get fancy, it's eggs on arugula - fruit for a snack, a salad with protein for lunch, and fish and quinoa for dinner.

I love macaroni and cheese. I could eat it every meal of the day.

Kindness is something that I feel is leaving us a little bit - people are getting more self-involved.

Just do your best. I find that if I set that goal for myself and no one else, I feel good.

What's more awkward than doing a shower scene? Rehearsing a shower scene.

'The Avengers' made it more believable that I could have been a major in the U.S. Army.