Cody Bellinger

Cody Bellinger


United States

Baseball player

QUOTES BY Cody Bellinger

Just trying to keep going. Just try to stay in the present the best I can. Not get too big-headed or too down on myself.

I didn't really set any goals, just trying to go and play the game.

You're going to have your struggles every now and then, but you've just got to always keep it in perspective and try to have a good time.

Anything can happen. That's why sports are so great, the unexpected.

We know how hard it is to make the World Series; to do it two years in a row is really special. I know how lucky I am to be a part of it two years in a row.

It's just a grind every single day.

I'm up here to help the team win every at-bat, offense, defense, baserunning.

My favorite postgame treat as a kid was the sliced oranges. We had those when I played soccer, too, at halftime.

When you're playing first base, you help the infielders a lot. They appreciate you when you pick their ball. It's fun to help that.