Conchita Wurst

Conchita Wurst




QUOTES BY Conchita Wurst

I do love to have pictures taken and to pose and wear fabulous gowns, so red carpets are a comfort zone.

I dream of a world where we don't have to talk about unnecessary things like sexuality, who you love.

As I always say, you don't have to love me, but you have to respect that I'm here.

I see myself as quite boring and simple.

Being LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) in Russia is anything but fun.

I'm a drag artist, and we put so much effort into creating characters, so the easiest way to show us respect is to call us by the name we gave ourselves and refer to the gender we have chosen to be on stage.

I've figured out over the years, you can only hurt me if I love you; if I don't know you, I really don't care.

If you want to be a bearded lady then you are allowed to do that because you're not hurting anybody.

I think that anyone who is in any way creative or is creating something, whether an architect or fashion designer, I think if you have the opportunity to create something that is fully you, it frees your mind and your spirit and gives you the opportunity to really find yourself.