Cornelia Parker

Cornelia Parker


United Kingdom

Visual Artist

QUOTES BY Cornelia Parker

My work has threads of ideas from all over the place. I try to crystallise them in something simple and direct that the viewer can then take where they want.

My mother became mentally unwell with schizophrenia when I was in my teens... We couldn't watch television because she thought the people on TV were sending her messages. She thought there were hidden cameras everywhere, so we had to have the curtains drawn.

Design impacts me in everything I do. Because, as I say, everything I own is designed. So the building I live in, the objects I choose to boil water in for example, even drinking vessels.

I like the idea of taking three-dimensional objects and making them two-dimensional so that they look like cartoons.

I don't want to feel like an ambulance chaser, but very often, when I hear about a fire, my first instinct is to make a piece of art out of it.

Being a sculptor who uses found objects, all the objects I use in my work have been designed by other people. So I'm tweaking them in some way by squashing them or throwing them off cliffs! Then I formalise my damage by suspending them or arranging them in some kind of way. So I'm using other people's design in a way, so I'm an 'un-maker.'

Living in a warehouse is great - but after a while, you just want a garden.

Violence is part of everybody's life, whether you like or express it or not. My work utilises all the energies that I have, and part of it is violent, and I'd rather it be out than in.

I need eight hours of sleep, but I never get it except at weekends.