Cris Carter

Cris Carter


United States

Football quarterback

QUOTES BY Cris Carter

Bill Romanowski was one of the most feared players to play, not only because of his intensity, but because he played through the whistle and after the whistle.

It's not as if I dislike Michigan. I have a lot of respect for the university - not only the athletic department but how they educate young people. The only reason I dislike them is because they are the No. 1 rival for OSU.

Everyone knows someone who is struggling with a mental health issue, whether it's depression, trauma or substance abuse. It affects everyone, so we all have a stake in making sure good treatment is available.

I didn't make the Pro Bowl until my seventh year I think in the NFL. We continually got better.

Advocating for quality addiction treatment has become a passion, and it's the most rewarding thing that someone like me can do. People were there to help me when I needed it, so I've made it my goal to pay it forward.

When you play in the NFL now the teams are very, very equal.

You get drafted, you perform like a Pro Bowler, then they pay you. But there's certain teams in this league, that's not what they're trying to do.

I owe everything to the Vikings. What they invested in me was more than money.

There's not a bunch of pressure at the Pro Bowl.