D'Angelo Russell

D'Angelo Russell


United States

Basketball Player

QUOTES BY D'Angelo Russell

Not a lot of teams take you into consideration, like a lot of teams can easily decide to if you're hurt or anything, make you go play.

I'd be a race car driver. I love fast cars.

When you find your niche, you just gotta continue to be confident and thrive in it.

I really didn't get to experience college. I enjoyed Ohio State, but I didn't feel like I had a chance to live the college life. When some guys got bored, they went out partying or to the student center. When I got bored, I went to the gym.

The older you get, the more you start to understand your body, so I try to just focus on my body every summer.

The coaches that I've had, my teammates that I've met throughout this journey, it's something that you can't take away. It almost feels like a degree. You can't take that away from somebody.

The league has changed in so many ways. There are no point guards anymore, there are no centers anymore; it's all positionless basketball.

I know my work ethic and know what I've put in to get where I'm at.

L.A. has so much to offer. So I want to take advantage of it.