Damian Lewis

Damian Lewis


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Damian Lewis

I've always had a 'Work hard, play hard' attitude to life - I still do - but sometimes you get involved in something that needs a calm, methodical approach.

In England we burnt redheads at the stake, because we thought they were witches. There are still young redheads in Britain getting ripped for having red hair. 'Oy, Ginger!'

A cricket ball broke my nose when I was a kid so I couldn't breath through it. Before I had it operated on I used to stand on stage with my mouth slightly open.

I am Damian Lewis, not Daniel Day-Lewis.

If you have the same drive and passions that everybody else has - for example, if you're trying to do the right thing for your family and do the right thing for people you employ - then you can be forgiven quite a lot.

I'm not averse to telling people off.

I was, if you like, a successful schoolboy in that I had a degree of talent in all the required things that make you a success at school.

I had no ambition to go to America and be in a TV show. It's not like I've rejected something or decided that I've found something better. Your life just takes you off in strange and different directions.

I want to do theatre and film and direct my own things and develop.