Dan Crenshaw

Dan Crenshaw


United States


QUOTES BY Dan Crenshaw

The need for physical border security is a very real one. But equally important is the need to focus on the source of the problem: mass emigration from Central America.

Give the benefit of the doubt to your opponents if they walk back a controversial statement.

This life, this purpose, this American spirit that we hold dear - we are not alone. We do it together.

Labeling someone as an '-ist' who believes in an '-ism' because of the person's policy preference is just a shortcut to playground-style name-calling, cloaked in political terminology.

We actually all care about the environment, and most people believe in climate change and believe that mankind has something to do with that - how much is scientifically debatable, but there is some effect and we all have an interest in reducing carbon emissions, just having cleaner air, cleaner oceans. It's something we can get behind.

We have to bring back that Reagan optimism.

As a long-time supporter of Israel, I will ensure that our alliance does not waver, and that America continues to support Israeli security, advocate for her on the international stage, and contain the threat from Iran and terrorism across the region.

There are many ideas that we will never agree on. The left and the right have different ways of approaching governance, based on contrasting philosophies. But many of the ultimate goals - economic prosperity, better health care and education, etc. - are the same. We just don't share the same vision of how to achieve them.

As a country, we still have a lot of work to do. We need to agree on some basic rules for civil discourse.