Daniel Cormier

Daniel Cormier


United States


QUOTES BY Daniel Cormier

It's very difficult to make a 100% turnaround. It's tough when you actually do exhibit patterns of bad behavior. You need to have a very strong support system of people who are willing to keep you in your place if you're going to overcome these things.

You don't get to the highest levels of the sport without having the basics in order.

You don't quit after you get beat. You pick yourself up, and you start rebuilding to accomplish your goals.

A lot of times, losing a fight is tough. In your darkest hours, I guess your true colors show.

My confidence comes from knowing I do the right things in my life. I do the right things in the gym. I do the right things all together.

You can love me, you can hate me, but just don't be indifferent. Care about it enough to watch.

Legacy does matter to me, and I want to leave a good one in MMA.

I've done nothing wrong. Some people just don't like me. Maybe I'm somebody that's easy to dislike, but I don't get it. Whatever. I'll do what I do.

I went through a training camp; I worked extremely hard. I prepared for UFC 200. This was the big one. This one meant everything to me.