Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe




QUOTES BY Daniel Radcliffe

In the end, you have to just pull the trigger. Trust the car, trust the brakes, just go.

I will always find a way to find a positive from things.

With racing, there's not one thing you need to be really strong at, it's a combination. You need a good base of cardio, good core, good neck strength. I think core and neck are the most important, but it's certainly not my favourite. Neck training is pretty boring.

Music is how I unwind. I love going to see bands or DJs at a festival or a dive bar. My taste is pretty diverse.

I know people fear me when they see me in their mirrors. It's a good position to be in because they know they need to defend to the limit.

Pretty much all the drivers I get on with, at least to say 'Hi' and have a conversation. But when the helmet's on, you don't care who it is. You have no sympathy: someone blows an engine in front of you, if it means you gain a position, then you're smiling.

On a bad day, I'll still have a conscious thing in my mind reminding me that what I think of as a bad day is still a very good day in probably 90% of the world's population's eyes.

Everything you can learn from is an opportunity to become stronger.

Good overtaking is important to me. There are a lot of quick maths involved. I will prepare from the corner before, thinking, 'If I exit this way, and the driver ahead of me is in a certain position, then I'll go for it.' If he is not where I hope he will be, then I won't pull the trigger. If he is, my decision has already been made.

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