David Cage

David Cage




QUOTES BY David Cage

Playing with light is something that is very important, especially when you want cinematography in your game.

'Indigo Prophecy' already brought a lot of new features to the traditional adventure genre, including the Action system, MultiView, Bending Stories, etc. 'Heavy Rain' will include features like advanced physics and AI, realistic characters and living environments.

People trying new ideas are a blessing for gamers and in the industry in general.

We called 'Heavy Rain' an interactive drama, for whatever that's worth.

In a movie, you're just passive; you're just watching a story that is told to you. But in games, I saw that you could be the main protagonist: you could be in the shoes of the hero and make the decisions.

We, as individuals, are defined by the choices we make. Some of our decisions can have very significant consequences and totally change the courses of our lives.

'Heavy Rain' responded to a period of my life, things I strongly believed in, things I wanted to suggest or experiment with. I'm really happy with the overall feedback; the reception was a success.

I try to get better at what I'm doing, game after game.

If 'Heavy Rain' is a huge commercial success, it will show everybody in the industry that the world is sick of first-person shooters, that people are ready for an adult gaming experience. If we fail, it will say, 'Please keep making the same old stuff.'