David Ignatius

David Ignatius


United States


QUOTES BY David Ignatius

Fear brings out the best in some people and the worst in others. It's a test of character, for individuals and nations.

The framers hated the tyranny of King George, but they were also afraid of the mob. That's why they put so many checks and balances into our system, to guard against the excesses of a government that might be inflamed by public passion or perverted by a dictator's whim.

The ISI is above all a paramilitary organization. It doesn't do all that much collection of intelligence. It's not a very good spy agency, but it's good at running covert action.

During an economic crisis, what matters is that the government keeps its foot on the accelerator.

Images sometimes capture particular periods in history. The unreachable green light, beckoning from across the bay in 'The Great Gatsby,' has become a symbol of the yearning of America in the 1920s.

Panic is a natural human response to danger, but it's one that severely compounds the risk.

Frightened people want to protect themselves, sometimes without thinking about others. Often, they get angry and want to find someone to blame for catastrophe. Inevitably, they spread information without checking if it's true.

European Muslims need to feel ownership of security, rather than viewing the police as an occupying army.

The nation's chronic weakness is its political system, which is nearing dysfunction. If the U.S. can elect better political leadership, it should be able to manage problems better than most competitors.