Dawn Richard

Dawn Richard


United States


QUOTES BY Dawn Richard

Be exactly who you are. You can fit in any space you see yourself in. Be fearless.

I wake up every day in a different headspace, so on any given day, my hairstyle will change.

You don't know how far you can go until you push it.

Anything that creates fear, I want to conquer it.

You don't need validation from other people. You've gotta find it within yourself and sit in it and roll with it.

Fashion is my lover on the side, but I am married to music.

How many people can say they had Anna Wintour on a record? Not even an album, just a mixtape? It's audacious, disrespectful, and I feel like it's a little bit raw, and that's what Dirty Money is.

My dad was a teacher. He has a Masters in music. He taught elementary school, and he played gigs his whole life, and we lived good.

'The Red Era' is for everybody. Every gay, every fluid, every black, every white.