DeAndre Hopkins

DeAndre Hopkins


United States


QUOTES BY DeAndre Hopkins

I would describe my style as refreshing.

My motto is I'm going to go out and work every day no matter who is here. It's a mentality that I always play with since I've been playing football.

My mother got the courage to speak to hundreds of people about her story. I knew if she could do it I could do it, too.

Part of being a player is trying to affect the community you're in and helping people. If there's one kid I can help, I feel like I did my job.

My second tattoo was a pirate ship on my arm. My friends and I, you know, we all called ourselves pirates, you know, so we felt like, you know,we was the pirates of the Caribbean around the way.

Repetition makes perfect.

I got my first tattoo when I was 14-years-old. Unfortunately I didn't need a signature, which I probably shouldn't of got done, because, you know, it was one of my friends who was a tattoo artist.

When you're young, stay active no matter what you do, and look up to positive role models.

Where I'm from in South Carolina a lot of my friends, a lot of my family members have locks, what we call them. So, you know, it's more of a way of life, where we from, not a hairstyle. We really don't care to have it neat or you know too pretty it's just you know grow your hair. And I wash my hair everyday too.