Debbie Reynolds

Debbie Reynolds


United States


QUOTES BY Debbie Reynolds

'Singin' in the Rain' and childbirth are two of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life.

I love having my ghosts, and I love having my memories.

He caressed my backside. I had heard that he was famous for his 'admiration' of the ladies, but I didn't expect him to be handling my booty. As handsome as Prince Philip is, I wasn't sure if he was making a pass or just exercising some royal rights to squeeze the foreigners.

If your husband's going to leave you for anyone, it might as well be Elizabeth Taylor.

You just never give up. You do a task to the best of your abilities and beyond.

I gave it all that I had, and it's gratifying that others seem to be receiving it so well.

Bette Davis was a close friend. She loved to have a good time.

I got to sing a wonderful song called 'I Ain't Down Yet.' Well, I ain't.

I tour all year, 42 weeks a year, so it's hard for me to remember every place I play.