Deborah Meaden

Deborah Meaden


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Deborah Meaden

I'm quite a restless holidaymaker - I can't lie down on the sand and don't like too much heat.

You need emotional intelligence; to be happy to take risks; to be competitive and to look forward not backwards.

I'm very direct, I don't believe in wasting time, in wasting words.

Loving something doesn't make it a good investment.

People have to understand that they're not good at everything.

I am a very loyal person and believe that people should be treated fairly in life.

Much as I'm loving the 'Strictly' experience, I'm sure I'll always be better known for my business career and my appearances on 'Dragons' Den' than I will for my cha-cha-cha or Viennese waltz.

I suffer from reverse body dysmorphia. When I look in the mirror I see somebody slimmer. It's quite a shock to see myself on TV, especially on widescreen.

When I sold Weststar Holidays, the idea was to take stock and stop and then decide in life - we were going to travel around the world or whatever we were going to do. After about two weeks my husband said to me, 'Oh for goodness sake Deborah, get yourself a business because this is driving me bonkers.'