Denise Austin

Denise Austin


United States


QUOTES BY Denise Austin

Need a body-confidence boost? Pick up a pair of dumbbells and let your gaze linger on the outline of your biceps as you lift the weights.

Stretching exercises promote flexibility, so you move fluidly.

I know lots of women who have slim legs but refuse to wear skirts because of unsightly varicose or spider veins. Though heredity plays a role, your genes don't have to doom you to a life of long pants.

When my jeans feel too tight, I know I need to cut back on desserts and step up my workouts.

In L.A., I see people who are always in their cars, always driving. I encourage them to walk more - walk to the post office, walk to lunch. Even if it is a 10-minute walk, it's so good for you.

Sometimes I log more than my fair share of hours on my tush - behind my desk, in the car, in front of the TV. And all that sitting can turn even the tightest buns into rice pudding.

To maintain good health, you need to exercise almost every day - 30 minutes is recommended, that's what I personally do - and you need to eat right.

I like intervals. I will turn a walk into a workout. For example, I walk for five minutes at an easy pace, then power-walk for two minutes and repeat. Intervals blast the fat.

Walking is easy for most people to adopt into their lifestyle, regardless of their current level of fitness. Plus is convenient and fun!