Dennis DeYoung

Dennis DeYoung


United States


QUOTES BY Dennis DeYoung

There are all kinds of pretensions about art, but I'm just a guy who sings for his supper.

Music was everything. But what the digital revolution has done, with streaming services and downloads, is take the value out of music. When things lose value they lose their meaning.

I had worked so hard on three projects 1997 that it knocked the gas out of me. It was a mystery to the medical profession, but you can test positive for Epstein-Barr and not have it. When you get a post-viral syndrome, for some people it causes chronic fatigue or hearing loss. For me it became light sensitivity.

I always say, when I play the first few notes and people scream... if you're tired of that, you should try retail. What else are you looking for?

I am what I am. Whatever it was that made me what I am, I thought I should stay around and be that.

If there's a goal, you can't stop me. I'll put my head down. I'll have tunnel vision and I'll go until I get it.

Anyone in showbiz rock 'n' roll who says they're so tired of playing their hit songs, I want to smack them. I think it's an act. Because, look, you work your tail off to get people to validate you.

If you say 'Domo arigato' to people, they're apt to go, 'Mr. Roboto.'

Touring is real demanding. You swing between sadness and euphoria. But for us to cry about it isn't fair.