Deontay Wilder

Deontay Wilder


United States


QUOTES BY Deontay Wilder

Having patience is one of the hardest things about being human. We want to do it now, and we don't want to wait. Sometimes we miss out on our blessing when we rush things and do it on our own time.

Everybody has their due season. And it's all about what you do in your season.

I was born a leader, never a follower. I never felt peer pressure. If the group goes left, I go right.

People have to realize that God has blessed me with power. He hasn't got me this far for no reason. I feel like God has a plan for me in this sport. That's how I have came up this fast.

I can adapt to any environment or any situation I need to, so I am ready to go to Russia. You take what you get or start crying about it, but I am re-doing 'Rocky IV.' I am doing the black 'Rocky.'

God definitely blessed me with power. I still don't know the limits of my own power.

I don't care what you have done before or what you are capable of: if you come up against a guy like me, you are in trouble.

Street fight, you just ground and pound 'em. Boxing is totally different.

Whether somebody think badly of me, whether somebody don't feel that I should be doing this or I should be doing that way, I don't really care. Whether they think that my fatigue is being laid, legs are skinny, I don't care.