Derek Carr

Derek Carr


United States

Football quarterback

QUOTES BY Derek Carr

There won't be a day when I stop working to be a better version of myself, so I'm going to keep working and I will get better.

When I put my helmet on, I'm ultra competitive, talking trash.

It's the same mindset I had in college. As long as I come in and work every day, it worked in college and I'm just going to continue to grind my tail off here in the NFL.

I want to be perfect at everything, knowing I'll never be perfect at it, but that's my goal.

When things are tough in training camp; when things are tough in season; when it's good, you don't want guys hitting too high or too low or depressed. It's just draining for everybody.

It makes you hungry every time you see another team celebrate a championship.

The best thing that you can do is show up every day and give it everything that you have, because anything outside of that is out of your control.

I just want to win. I want to mess up the draft. I don't want the first pick.

My only focus was to be the best version of myself.