Devon Windsor

Devon Windsor


United States


QUOTES BY Devon Windsor

Fragrance, to me, is a scent that you can call your own, have other people identify you with, and also express the vibes that you're feeling that day.

I take hair growth, natural vitamins and sleep on silk pillow cases.

I was super sporty in high school. I played tennis, field hockey, and lacrosse.

I sleep at least nine hours a night - honestly. And I drink a lot of water.

Social media just plays this massive factor in all of our lives now, and also, the bloggers and influencers are coming in and taking our jobs as models.

Relationships with a modeling career is super difficult.

Hydration is key! I know that is an obvious one, but drinking tons of water and keeping your skin hydrated is very important.

My parents raised me to put school first and modeling and extracurriculars second.

My signature dish - something I've been making since I was 10 - is angel hair pasta with shrimp and feta in a white-wine basil sauce with tomatoes, because it's absolutely amazing.