Dolores O'Riordan

Dolores O'Riordan




QUOTES BY Dolores O'Riordan

There's no point in getting too worried about things, because life is too short.

I always come across like I'm looking serious, but I just don't like smiling. Honestly, obviously I'm different in person.

It's important to take time off because it's a long journey this life, and I want to be singing in 30 years' time. You see a lot of artists who get caught up in the here and now, and they just burn themselves out, and I kind of did that myself with my third album.

You know that band that are all over 'Melody Maker,' Huggy Bear, they're just a load of crap, right? Riot grrrl group - y'know, it's all sexism and stuff, women standing up for their rights: 'This girl said this at the gig off the stage.' It's nothing got to do with music. They're probably untalented gits when it comes to the crunch.

I try to think about optimism. I try to look at the beautiful things in life.

I'm an icon. I'm the Queen of Limerick.

I look like that in the morning: my hair's all greasy - it's not, 'Hey, look at the babe of the band!' I hate that kind of thing, the way women are always pushed forward as beauties... it's very easy: you can make the ugliest pig look lovely in a photograph.

When everybody's looking at you, it does your head in. When you're always on the inside, sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.

U2 and Sinead O'Connor - I haven't a clue why we're compared to them. Apart from us all being Irish, we've nothing in common.