Dominic Grieve

Dominic Grieve


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Dominic Grieve

A Brexit with a poor outcome will damage our country and lead to years of further division.

Surveillance legislation passed in good faith has been stretched well beyond its original purpose.

As attorney general I see my role as defender both of press freedom and of the fair administration of justice.

A careful examination of the information available, from previous counter-terrorism investigations, demonstrates that police have never come close to having to release any dangerous terrorist suspects as a result of time constraints.

There is a certain belief that so long as something is published in cyberspace there is no need to respect the laws of contempt or libel. This is mistaken.

Our personal data belongs to us. Government holds it on trust.

Paralysis in decision-making breeds frustration and contempt from the electorate, and provides the perfect seedbed for demagogues who fill the vacuum with populist simplicities, hatred of opposition and lies.

It is in nobody's interest that groups should find themselves excluded from society.

Our best hope in meeting the many challenges that Brexit brings for us is being willing to be open-minded about the options we may choose to pursue.